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Potser t'agradarà
Aquesta botiga us demana que accepteu cookies amb finalitats de rendiment, xarxes socials i publicitat. Les galetes de xarxes socials i de publicitat de tercers s'utilitzen per oferir-vos funcionalitats de xarxes socials i anuncis personalitzats. Acceptes aquestes galetes i el tractament de les dades personals implicades?
Nom de la cookie | Proveïdor | Propòsit | Caducitat |
cookiesplus | | Stores your cookie preferences. | 1 year |
PrestaShop-# | | This cookie helps keep user sessions open while they are visiting a website, and help them make orders and many more operations such as: cookie add date, selected language, used currency, last product category visited, last seen products, client identification, name, first name, encrypted password, email linked to the account, shopping cart identification. | 480 hours |
Nom de la cookie | Proveïdor | Propòsit | Caducitat |
collect | It is used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and its behavior. Track the visitor across devices and marketing channels. | Session | |
r/collect | It is used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and its behavior. Track the visitor across devices and marketing channels. | Session | |
_ga | Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. | 2 years | |
_gat | Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate | 1 day | |
_ga_# | Used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. | 2 years | |
_gd# | This is a Google Analytics Session cookie used to generate statistical data on how you use the website which is removed when you quit your browser. | Session | |
_gid | Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. | 1 day |